I'm not someone who would probably win most arm wrestling matches.
Lets face it I am a skinny guy with skinny forearms and average sized biceps.
Don't get me wrong you don't have to have arms like Alexey Voyevoda to win matches, Jon Brzenk looks average compared to most people in the sport and he is like Muhammad Ali when it comes to slamming peoples arms on the table.
I'm not someone who is to obsessed with training biceps... I got over it a while ago. The last time I tested myself in a bicep curl I was somewhere around 105 or 110-pounds.
Not terrible, but not great... and I managed to get a few reps out of it.
Regardless you look at me standing next to my friends who enjoy lifting and I have baby arms. Where I think I am the strongest is in an overhead press.
I have shoulder pressed a keg a little over half-way full over my head before I got a groin injury from heavy front squats.
Needless, to say biceps I don't care as much for training.
But, lately I have noticed them getting a little larger.
I probably haven't done direct bicep work in over a month and even then I only did it about twice a week for three weeks.
So what happened?
Well I can only guess it happening because of the grip work I have been doing and heavy dead lifts.
Watched, John Brookfield's Blueprint for Grip Strength and I started doing his wet towel squeeze and twist (it is exactly what it sounds like). Not only do my forearms get tired by my biceps are pumping.
I'm not much of a bodybuilder (I tried with little success) but I can honestly say this is probably one exercise they could benefit from.
Besides just squeezing and twisting towels I have been doing my homemade rolling handle dead lifts for grip.
Dead lifts are considered one of the best exercises because of all the muscles they recruit.
I've read it was a great exercise for biceps but I didn't figure that me pulling about 190-pounds would have any affect ( I have a lower back injury that has reduced my once unimpressive 315-pound strapless overhand grip dead lift.) Never did I think that doing deads with such a small amount would have any effect.
Sure enough though I am seeing a change.
So, get gripping if you are looking to pack on some size.
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