Friday, March 18, 2011

Don't call yourself an expert when it comes to working out

I am not an expert and anyone who ever says they're an expert probably doesn't know what they are talking about.

Of course I don't qualify as an expert either because I'm not a personal trainer or certified in anything.

What I am though is a student.

I like the word student a lot more then the word expert because it says that you are open to learning.

I've never liked going to class but I do love to learn and am always reading up on things that interest me.

So when it comes to exercise nobody is an expert in my opinion just some people are more knowledgeable than others.

It's like science. A hypothesis is always being updated or being disproved every year there are very few things that can be called a law.

Exercise is science which means people that exercise should be flexible in trying new things, testing new things and deciding for themselves if they like those things.

I have certainly tried a lot of methods when it comes to exercise: changed routines, adjusted my diet and tried different supplements.

Where I am at now with exercising though is a good place that I will probably stay in for a while.

That is not to say that I wont change things up someday.

Right now I am loving just doing heavy dead lifts and bench press training. I lift four out of seven days a week with one day of fun.

I don't train to failure I give myself lots of rest and I make stretching a workout with sets of forced relaxation.

I feel great I never seem to feel sore training this way and I feel like I am getting stronger week-to-week.

Will I plateau? Will I change things up?

The answer is most likely.

I'll probably get bored eventually doing what I am doing but that's why I kicked in a fun day where I swing kettlebells, macebells, row bricks, heave sandbags, shoulder press beer kegs and maybe push my car while it is in neutral.

I don't do all these things in one day I just do what seems like could be fun at that particular moment.

Why deads? Why bench?

Simple for me it is easy to do from home.

I train at home by myself (not maybe ideal for everyone) but I only really have a bench and a barbell when it comes to traditional strength equipment.

I tried squatting at home but that required me to clean and press the weight over head just to get it to my back.

Olympic lifting is too technical and I can't clean what I can actually squat.

So dead lifting with all of its variations allows me to train a wide variety of muscles.

I train bench because I've always wanted a good bench and it is a good exercise in my opinion for building my front delts, chest and back. I try to almost row the weight down so that I don't burn my chest out before I get the chance to press the weight.

Is this the best method of exercise?

Maybe or maybe not but it works for me.

Find what you like and be flexible.

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